Home World News She was shopping at the grocery store and discovered a snake inside a popcorn bag

She was shopping at the grocery store and discovered a snake inside a popcorn bag

She was shopping at the grocery store and discovered a snake inside a popcorn bag

She was shopping at the grocery store and discovered a snake inside a popcorn bag

He was shopping and discovered a snake inside a popcorn bag. Illustrative photo: Shutterstock

A trip to Supermarket become a real nightmare. This is what a woman lived in Virginia, in the United States.

Is that while you do your daily shopping, found something terrible inside the package of one of the products you had chosen and was in your cart.

What came out of a bag of popcorn? Nothing more and nothing less than a … Snake!

Panic in the supermarket

As it often does, Kimberly Slaughter went to a shop Value for buyers, in Kenbridge, a small town in Lunenburg County, with the idea of ​​buying some things to eat, he said WTVR News.

At some point, looking in detail, he noticed what it appeared to be mouse feces on bag of popcorn that he had grabbed. Since she had seen her in such bad shape, he decided to take her back to the place she had taken it from.

The snake that came out of the popcorn bag ran the full length of the cart.

The snake that came out of the popcorn bag ran the full length of the cart.

“I thought, I’m not going to carry that bag,” she told the outlet. And she added: “So I put it on the bottom shelf because it was already there rodent poop covering the shelves“.

During this change, Kimberly noticed that the bag had a small hole in the top right corner. After reviewing it, she discovered the snake indoors. Then, and as if that weren’t enough, the animal raised its head.

“That thing I had jumped and you know I was like ‘oh well, hello’”, He said in a dialogue with WTVR still shocked.

How did the story go? The woman said she quickly pushed the shopping cart, with the bag of popcorn and the snake still inside her, in front of the supermarket to tell an employee about the problem.

During the reporting of the episode, the snake out of the baghe went down the side of the cart and then went back to the bag of popcorn again.

“It took up the entire length of the car”Kimberly described. Eventually, a local worker managed to get the animal out.

Although the situation has fortunately not escalated, Kimberly stated that it would be worrying if she brought the bag home as he lives there with her. little child.

“I have a baby who is just starting to walk. So you imagine if it was a little bit bigger; or if my niece went and said “hey, I want some popcorn” and she takes the bag and is bite. It’s not safe. It’s not healthy, “she said.

What did the supermarket say?

Brian Stanleythe store manager said he did not know where the reptile could have come from and stressed that he is working with his team to detect its origin.

“We have no idea where it came from,” he explained after being consulted by the news network. “We are do research to try to find out where it comes from, but we have no other indications that there may be more, “he added.

There were rodent traps and feces on the shelves.  Illustrative photo: Shutterstock

There were rodent traps and feces on the shelves. Illustrative photo: Shutterstock

Also, when asked about dung and rodent traps, Stanley said he was unaware of any mousetraps in the store at the time because they weren’t there.

“We use traps sporadically when we need them, but more for prevention,” he added.

Slaughter said he plans to report the incident to the Virginia Department of Health, but he doesn’t want the store to close forever because it’s one of the few places to shop in the city.

Source: Clarin


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