The Finnish prime minister was criticized after a video showed her partying

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Sanna Marin had already been criticized in December for an outing when she was in contact with Covid-19. She defends herself this time from occupying her free time “like many people her age.”

New controversy for the Finnish Prime Minister. Images emerged on social media on Wednesday showing 36-year-old Sanna Marin partying, drawing criticism from members of the opposition. The head of government had already been heavily criticized last December after some images of her were shown in a nightclub, when she was in contact with Covid-19.

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Another restless evening for Sanna Marin. A video posted on social media shows the chairwoman of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) dancing and singing with a group of friends, including various Finnish celebrities. Among them, a singer, a stylist or even a youtuber, known in Finland, according to the newspaper Iltalehti.

The images, of unknown origin and undated, were published on Twitter by Visagrad 24 and viewed almost 2.5 million times this Thursday at noon.

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An evening denounced by the opposition

The video quickly caused opposition members to react. But it’s not about Covid-19, the Prime Minister is being criticized this time for being too much of a party girl, when she was spotted last July at a popular music festival in Finland.

True Finns party MP Riika Purra also called on the prime minister to take a drug test, citing “a shadow of a doubt” about Sanna Marin’s sobriety, according to the BBC.

Other Finnish political figures, on the other hand, have criticized the fact that this matter takes priority over other more important issues.

The prime minister takes over

Sanna Marin responded by expressing her “disappointment” that the video was made public, according to AP. She also adamantly denied having used any illicit substances, although she said she was willing to take a test to prove it. “I have nothing to hide,” she said, according to YTE News.

The world’s youngest head of government currently in office, aged 30, has chosen to take on this festive evening. “I have a family life, a professional career and I have free time that I spend with my friends. Like a lot of people my age,” he said.

Considering that the controversy does not take place, Sanna Marin rejected the idea of ​​putting an end to these moments of relaxation. “I will continue to be exactly the same person that I have been until now and I hope that is accepted,” she said.

A first outing in a club already signed up

The prime minister had come under heavy criticism last December for an evening spent at a nightclub. This outing came just hours after he saw his Foreign Minister, who tested positive for Covid-19. Therefore, she was considered a contact case.

Sanna Marin had assured that her secretary of state had initially told her that the directives did not require him to isolate himself, the prime minister being vaccinated. So he would have missed two text messages recommending otherwise. The prime minister eventually publicly apologized.

Author: Juliette Desmonceaux
Source: BFM TV

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