Home Entertainment What Alex Caniggia said after becoming the winner of the “Hotel dei Famosi”

What Alex Caniggia said after becoming the winner of the “Hotel dei Famosi”

What Alex Caniggia said after becoming the winner of the “Hotel dei Famosi”
What did Alex Caniggia say after becoming the winner of

Alex’s post after his win. Instagram.

After beating Martín Salwe in the final of the Hotel dei Famosi (El Trece) and winning the 10 million pesos prize, Alex Caniggia celebrated his consecration on social networks with a photo in which he holds the trophy and a sentence emotionally load.

“What channel 13 did was devastating. A unique reality show in which each player has left their soul“, wrote the son of Mariana Nannis e Claudio Paolo Caniggia on his official Instagram account, where he showed himself with a clenched fist, a frown and an open mouth, which lets you imagine his cry of happiness.

In the second part of the dedication, he referred to his time on schedule and his emotions after becoming champion: “These three months have been very exhausting for me. And it is a pride of heart that I was the winner!!! “.

The caption, written entirely in capital letters, was accompanied by more than eloquent emojis: an arm that contracts the biceps, three crossed swords and a fire.

Alex's post after his win.  Instagram.

Alex’s post after his win. Instagram.

In just over two hours, the magazine received the support of its followers and the numbers don’t lie: more than 95,000 “likes” and more than 4,200 comments.

One of the first to congratulate him was one of the 20 participants who followed the program. This is the journalist Walter Queijeiro, who wrote to him: “Animal. Human beast. You come from another planet. I have the consolation of being the closest to eliminating you. Congratulations, champion!”

The emotion of Alex Caniggia live

I am very happy, I am very happy”Said Alex talking with El Chino Leunis and Carolina Pampita Ardohain, the cycle pilots.

“So many days, weeks, months, having fun, badly, with sweat, blood, resentment … It was a unique, unparalleled experience that will remain forever in my heart.”, He expressed.

“This reality show has changed my life, I am another person. This award is everything to me, it’s the first reality show I’ve ever won”, Condemned the victor, euphoric.

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Source: Clarin


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