Home Business In a bad government climate, the countryside will make a tractor “tired” of tax pressure

In a bad government climate, the countryside will make a tractor “tired” of tax pressure

In a bad government climate, the countryside will make a tractor “tired” of tax pressure

In a bad government climate, the countryside will build a tractor already

The discomfort of the producers will be announced tomorrow in Buenos Aires.

Amid a rare and hostile climate, protests from the countryside will come tomorrow in the City of Buenos Aires. Without the liaison table, producers will conduct a tractor ride that will end at Plaza de Mayo.

The countryside will march to say “enough” to bad government policies against the sector and “tired” of growing tax pressure on the sector, in the context of strong increases in prices of inputs and fuel, shortage of diesel and an exchange rate gap detrimental to them,

The straw that overflowed on the camel’s back was the latest increase in withholdings to 33% of flour and soybean oil that farmers say are directly harmful to them.

The initiative for mobilization began with self-convened producers, but partners from four grassroots rural union entities will also participate, even if the protest does not have liaison table endorsement. As they ascertained from the self-convened movement, the march has the support of more than 200 entities linked to the sector.

“At 23 we are all here. The countryside and the city are marching together to demand that they (the national government) stop spending ”, the call said. Among other points, they demand: “That they don’t tax us, that they stop owing us.” And they say “to lower inflation, we must lower political spending.”

Although they agree on most of the points of the claim, the liaison table took a different position compared to others among self-convened producers. The leadership of the Argentine Rural Confederations (CRA) has already announced that it considers that “the conditions are not met” for this mobilization. From the Argentine Agrarian Federation they also voted against participating in the protest and Coninagro confirmed that they would not attend either.

On the other hand, the Argentine Rural Society has not given its endorsement at the institutional level but has indicated that it supports the claims of its partners in the same way it has done at other assemblies held in the past few week in the country.

However, several provincial and local delegations of entities will march towards the Plaza de Mayo. For example, the Liaison Table of the province of Córdoba and its subsidiaries, and the Rural Society of Rosario, among others, will participate on Saturday.

cross statements

The protest will take place in a bad climate in the government after controversial statements by Security Minister Anibal Fernández. On Thursday, the official warned producers not to “dream” of entering the city of Buenos Aires using tractors. But now he made sure of that The Government will not stop the protest from taking place.

“We have no jurisdiction over the City of Buenos Aires, we only deal in federal spaces. In the case of the city, we are assistants, we work together,” the minister stressed at a press conference.

And he added: “This morning we talked to (Minister of Justice and Security of Buenos Aires, Marcelo) D’Alessandro, everyone knows that I have a good relationship with him. He told me that they allowed the entry of tractors. which we can do nothing. “

Faced with the words of the Minister of Security, the farmers expressed their denial and pointed that out the mobilization will be peaceful.


Focus will be on mobilization Saturday April 23 at 8 at two adjacent points: at crossing national routes 8 and 193 (Solís) and national routes 9 and 193 (Furlong logistics plant), where they will wait for demonstrators coming from different parts of the country to leave at the same time, in 10:30, heading to the city of Buenos Aires.

There, at noon, they will meet at Av. Del Libertador and Udaondo, where they will wait for tractors and horses to lead the march down that road, followed by a caravan of cars and trucks, to meet at 15 in the Plaza de Mayo. A petition will be read at the last meeting place, but, as reported, there will be no central action or designated speakers. As a striking fact, a “meeting of the Republic’s Twitter defenders” is also planned in the area.

Source: Clarin


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