He meat consumption From being an everyday thing it has become a luxury on the Argentine table. In recent times, families are facing a challenge due to the constant increase in prices. This is why many ask: How much does a kilo of meat cost?
According to the last one consumer price index (IPC) developed by Indec, in Buenos Aires meat values They vary between $3,000 and $6,300 depending on the denomination.
He kilo of roast costs $5,200, while the quadrille and the buttock They increased between 40% and 42% compared to November and brought in about $6,000 per kilo.
For his part, the common minced meat about $3,200, according to the index. And at large supermarket chains, specialty meat ranges between $3,900 and $4,300.
It turns out that the category of Food and beverages It was the one that had the greatest impact on the INDEC price index and predicts a sharp increase in prices in the coming months. In December These products increased by 29.7% compared to November.
Source: Clarin