Home Business AnseS bonus of $ 18,000: until when and for whom to register

AnseS bonus of $ 18,000: until when and for whom to register

AnseS bonus of $ 18,000: until when and for whom to register

AnseS bonus of $ 18,000: until when and for whom to register

On Saturday, May 7, registration for the AnseS $ 18,000 bonus ended. Photo: Guillermo Rodriguez Adami – FTP CLARIN

Saturday, May 7 is the last day of registration for Income Reinforcement that the Government will realize a $ 18,000 bonus that AnseS will begin to pay on May 19 and targets informal workers, social monotributists and categories A and B, and employees of private households. however, Until May 10, that’s all the missing ones Submit documentation, report CBUor anything they lack to finalize revenue.

Presentation of papers must be done in person at the ANSES offices and to validate the bank accounts and enter the CBU this can be done through the My ANSES application.

Another announcement from the organization led by Fernanda Raverta is for those who want to know the reasons for rejecting their application to collect the bonus, there will be “an instance of consultation” when the registration period ends.

Although the number of people who requested this new assistance is not yet known, Economy Minister Martín Guzmán confirmed on Monday in an interview with María O’Donnell for Urbana Play, that they are more than 6 million to request IFE. And although the true number is not yet known, it is estimated About 13 million signed up.

As an exception because they do not work every Saturday, on the last day of registration for Income Reinforcement, ANSES opened its offices nationwide to the public from 8 am to 2 pm and conducted over 20 mobile operations at AMBA to receive has not yet registered or has not updated data or submitted personal documentation.

The $ 18,000 bonus will be paid in two equal and consecutive installments of $ 9,000, in May and June. Meanwhile, since last Thursday, those who have already processed their application are also in a position to check if they are eligible to receive financial assistance.

The $ 18,000 bonus will be paid in two installments of $ 9,000 to be paid in May and June Photo: Luciano Thieberger.  CLARIN FTP.

The $ 18,000 bonus will be paid in two installments of $ 9,000 to be paid in May and June Photo: Luciano Thieberger. CLARIN FTP.

For those who don’t qualify and want to know why, ANSeS will open a query channel last week.

To reach the goal, which are those who really need it, from the organization led by Raverta, evaluate the patrimonial, socioeconomic and consumption situation of the applicants. For this reason, AnseS will crosscheck the information with other organizations such as AFIP.


Source: Clarin


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