C. Tangana will compose the anthem of the centenary of Celta

C. Tangana will compose the anthem of the centenary of Celta

The president of Celtic, Carlos Mourinohas confirmed this Monday in an interview granted to the newspaper ‘Mark’ what C. Tangana will be in charge of composing the anthem for the centenary of the Celticto be held in the year 2023.

Responding to a question about possible acts to be carried out, the president said that “in addition to the anthem of C. TanganaWe have set up a commission to see what the fans want”.

The singer from Madrid, whose father is from Vigohas stated several times to be a follower of the Celtic and that he would like to be in charge of the anthem as long as there was acceptance by the sky-blue fans. “I’m going to make a hymn that’s going to be all beautiful, everyone knows that. The truth is that it would be cool,” he said when that possibility began to be discussed.

Despite the words of MouriñoThe decision has not yet been made official.

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