Home Business AnseS set new amounts for family allowances and single payment

AnseS set new amounts for family allowances and single payment

AnseS set new amounts for family allowances and single payment

ANSES set new amounts for family allowances and single payment

No change: $ 316,731 is the maximum income limit to access the benefit. Photo: Guillermo Rodriguez Adami – FTP CLARIN

AnseS made the new values ​​official of family allowances of the CUNA system (formerly SUAF) who will govern from June 2022. They have an increase of 15%, in line with the second increase set by the mobility law.

ANSES Resolution 135, published Tuesday in the Official Gazette, reports an increase for SUAF allowances charged monthly and for single payments (marriage, adoption, birth and Annual School Assistance, among others). They will rule between June 1 and August 31, 2022.

Meanwhile, it remained unchanged, at $ 316,731, the maximum income limit to access the benefit. From the body headed by Fernanda Raverta, they clarified that perception of an income of more than $ 158,366 from one of the family group members, he is not included in receiving family allowanceseven if your total income does not exceed the maximum income limit established.

On the other hand, by resolution 133, ANSES made it official that from June the minimum pension will be $ 37,524.96 and the maximum limit will be $ 252,507.44.

What are the allowances paid by ANSeS and their amounts since June 2022

Family allowance per child

Employees in a dependency relationship with children up to 18 years of age will receive the following amounts for family salary:

  • $ 7,332 for family income up to $ 113,570
  • $ 4,945 for income between $ 113,570.01 and $ 166,564
  • $ 2,989 between $ 166,564.01 and $ 192,305
  • $ 1,540 between $ 192,305.01 and $ 316,731.

In the case of children with disabilities, the allowance to be collected is:

  • $ 23,881 for income up to $ 113,570
  • $ 16,892 for income between $ 113,570.01 and $ 166,564
  • $ 10,661 for income over $ 166,564.01.

For monotributists, the amounts per family salary are as follows according to each category

  • Categories A, B and C: $ 7,332
  • Category D: $ 4,945
  • Category E: $ 2,989
  • Categories F, G and H: $ 1,540.

For monotributists with children with disabilities

  • Categories A, B and C: $ 23,881
  • Category D: $ 16,892
  • Categories E to K: $ 10,661

Lump Sum Allowance: Amounts from June 2022

  • birth: $ 8,547.
  • Adoption: $ 51,119.
  • Marriage: $ 12,800.
  • Annual School Assistance: $ 6,145.

The income limit for all three family groups is up to $ 316,731.

Prenatal allowance per child

  • From June 2022 it will be $ 7,332 for family incomes up to $ 113,570
  • From $ 445 for revenue between $ 113,570.01 and $ 166,564
  • From $ 2,989 for revenue between $ 166,564.01 and $ 192,305
  • And $ 1,540 for income between $ 192,305.01 and $ 316,731.

For a child with a disability, the allowance from June is:

  • $ 23,881 for income up to $ 113,570
  • $ 16,892 for income between $ 113,570.01 and $ 166,564
  • $ 10,661 for income over $ 166,564.01

For monotributistas, the prenatal allowance amounts are as follows:

  • Categories A, B and C: $ 7,332
  • Category D: $ 4,945
  • Category E: $ 2,989
  • Categories F, G and H: $ 1,540.


Source: Clarin


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