Home Business How much does a retiree need to earn to cover their monthly expenses?

How much does a retiree need to earn to cover their monthly expenses?

How much does a retiree need to earn to cover their monthly expenses?

How much does a retiree need to earn to cover their monthly expenses?

Retirees spend approximately $ 19,420 a month on food. Photo: Mariana Villa/ Los Andes

Over the past 12 months, due to rising prices, especially of food and medicines, the main basket of the elders or an increase of 51.8% in retirees and pensioners: it is already worth $ 97,238 until April 1, 2022, according to the Ombudsman’s calculations for the Third Term of the City of Buenos Aires.

Equivalent to 3 minimum pensions of $ 32,630. A year ago, in April 2021 it was $ 64,039 and in October 2021 it was $ 70,505. A) Yes, in the last 6 months the value of the basket was 27.78%.

The Ombudsman presents the evolution of that basket twice a year.

The items that make up this basket are “worthy” for adults Foods, products of cleanliness and hygiene, medicine and pharmacy supplies, taxes and services, transportation, clothing, housing and recreation costs.

Represents food, medicine and housing more than 60% of the value of the basket. In addition, it includes clothing and hobbies.

The composition of the basket eligible for the retiree is as follows:

* Food $ 19,420

* Cleaning of $ 7,941

* Home $ 27,320

* Services $ 7,350

* Drugs and pharmacy supplies $ 20,187

* Clothing $ 6,000

* Transportation $ 5,500

* Entertainment $ 3,520

“New data from the Basic Basket of Retirees confirms situations of uncertainty and misery where the sector is further declining. A basic basket of $ 97,238 in a context where four and a half million retirees earn a minimum of $ 32,630 and where the average credit is $ 48,000 and $ 45,000. While the Universal Pension for Older Adults (PUAM) is $ 26,104 ”, according to Eugene SeminoOmbudsman for the Elderly.

The Defender of the Third Season Eugenio Semino.  Photo: Luciano Thieberger.

The Defender of the Third Season Eugenio Semino. Photo: Luciano Thieberger.

Semino added that “efforts to alleviate the problem by announcing bonuses such as coins thrown in a hungry town They are not only useless but also counterproductive. These are patches that accentuate the hole they want to hide. In a context where nearly three minimum pensions are needed to cover a basic basket, the announcement of a $ 6,000 bonus insulting. “

Semino assumes that “the policy of compensatory bonds needs to be terminated. Pensions must be regenerated effectively, with increases included in assets, applied proportional to full size. There is no other way out “


Source: Clarin


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