Home Entertainment Julia Roberts and Sean Penn lead Gaslit, the series that returns the cause of the woman who criticized Watergate

Julia Roberts and Sean Penn lead Gaslit, the series that returns the cause of the woman who criticized Watergate

Julia Roberts and Sean Penn lead Gaslit, the series that returns the cause of the woman who criticized Watergate

“Martha is right”: under that motto, the new series will be released this Monday, April 18, in New York Gaslitstarring Julia Roberts and Sean Penn and revisiting the famous Watergate scandal (1972) verifying the figure of his complainantis now better known by psychologists than the general public.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) closed its doors earlier than usual today to exhibit a red carpet on the important antiquities of Egypt where the cast led by Julia Roberts and Sean Penn passed, accompanied by dozens of celebrities invited to the first viewing.

Sa GaslitRoberts plays Martha Mitchell -wife of John Mitchell, attorney general and campaign manager for President Richard Nixon in 1972-, a complex figure found signs of what would be the case of Watergate. but he was abandoned by Republicans and died of cancer a few years later.

leading couples.  Sean Penn and Julia Roberts, at the premiere of "Gaslit", in New York.  Photo EFE

leading couples. Sean Penn and Julia Roberts, at the premiere of “Gaslit”, in New York. Photo EFE

arrival of a star

With her signature smile and holding hands with her small-screen husband Penn, the actress arrived at the last moment wearing a gray shorts suit and passed the waiting media, making only one exception to Starz, the producer channel of the series.

“I think (Martha) was the peach pit that no one paid attention to: everyone ate the peach and threw the pit. I never explained it that way,” Roberts, who was wearing a gray suit jacket, said laughing. with short trousers, white. shirt and belt.

Penny, unrecognizable in the series under layers of makeup and prosthetics that remove hair and add poundsother than his green look and his distinctive facial expression, he considered it the “appropriate” moment to remember this forgotten figure, and a “reminder of how things aren’t done”.

The analysis proposed by the series over eight stages is more than that historical events that led to Nixon’s resignationas its title progresses (Gaslit or Gaslight), which refers to a type of psychological abuse in which the victim is led to doubt their own sanity.

Julia Roberts ’character in“ Gaslit ”was imprisoned by her husband (Sean Penn) so she doesn’t speak to the press.  Fptp EFE

Julia Roberts ’character in“ Gaslit ”was imprisoned by her husband (Sean Penn) so she doesn’t speak to the press. Fptp EFE

This is what the campaign manager suggested, who his wife ordered him to be locked up in a hotel to prevent him from speaking to the newspaper, as he connected the dots between the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters and the Nixon re-election committee, headed by John Mitchell.

Name for a psychological error

the subtitle, ‘Watergate’ is a mistake. Martha is rightwho has so far decorated several buses in New York, is trying to correct the mistake that caused the “Martha Mitchell effect”, as the mistake which a psychologist cdelirium animates a patient’s true perspectives.

Various supporting actors also mentioned that, such as Chris Bauer (played by James McCord), the former CIA agent arrested in the spy operation against Democratic leaders and identified by Martha as the head of security for the committee on which her husband worked.

Julia Roberts and Sean Penn at the world premiere of “Gaslit” on Monday, April 18, in New York.  Photo EFE

Julia Roberts and Sean Penn at the world premiere of “Gaslit” on Monday, April 18, in New York. Photo EFE

“These men trying to justify their run of crime (…) have collectively surrounded Martha Mitchell, who is telling the truth loud and clear, they silenced him physically and violentlyand they reviled her like she was crazy, “said the actor.

The actor spoke the same way patton oswaltinterpreter who is considered Nixon’s “executioner” Chuck Colsonwhich he described as a “true incompetent believer, if you can both at once.”

The series, which begins April 24 on Starz, is directed by Matt Ross and is based on the podcast Slow Burnin which journalist Leon Neyfakh previews forgotten characters and plots he considers ignored in the scandal’s most well -known account.

The cast of “Gaslit,” from left: Sean Penn, Julia Roberts, Dan Stevens and Betty Gilpin.  Photo EFE

The cast of “Gaslit,” from left: Sean Penn, Julia Roberts, Dan Stevens and Betty Gilpin. Photo EFE

Source: EFE


Source: Clarin


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