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Ana Rosenfeld revealed why Zaira Nara and Facundo Pieres do not whiten their romance

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After the first images of them together leaked to the press, Anna Rosenfelda close friend of the Nara sisters and advocate for the eldest of them, explained why Zaira Nara Y Facundo Pieres they don’t whiten romance.

In detail, the famous lawyer told in an interview for THEY (America, Monday to Friday at 8pm) the main reason model Y the polo player they do not go out to shout their love from the rooftops.

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“Why don’t you officially nominate your relationship with Pieres?” she asked. panache angel in Rosenfeld. To which she replied: “I know Zaira before I met Wanda, from previous courtships and Zaira If he doesn’t blanch, it’s because he’s still not sure he’s his partner.Ana replied from a cell phone in Miami, where she went to meet her newborn nephew.

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And he continued: “You can meet someone, as they usually say, you can be very comfortable, very fun, everything is very good, but to officially say “he’s my partner” I think there’s still something missing. I don’t know if a day, a month or I don’t know how long”.

“The separation (of Zaira and Jakob Von Plessen) is recent, but what has attracted attention is that they go to the same event, appear on social networks…”, Ángel told him.

Source: Clarin

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