The latest news coming from Barcelona, Spain, on the scandalous separation Enter Shakira Y Gerard Piqué They are getting stronger and stronger.
After the trip to the Czech Republic, for a football tournament that one of her sons played with FC Barcelona, the singer arrived in the aforementioned Catalan city and, as expected, the paparazzi They went to meet him.
In detail, the Colombian interpreter was surprised by the cameras of a well-known Spanish television series, Ana Rosa’s programcommonly abbreviated to AR.

Shakira returns to Spain after a tour in the Czech Republic. Capture TV
“These are the first images of the singer after announcing that she has separated from the Barça player … she left the house and when we asked our questions she smiled at us and raised her hand, “said the reporter of the aforementioned Telecinco series.
In the images, Shakira is seen in the passenger seat of a van as it leaves the garage of her home. With a serious gesture and huge sunglassesthat almost completely covered her face, she confined herself only to a hint of a shy smile.
“How are you? Will you be living outside Spain?“Asked one of the reporters on the other side of the window, which the artist has never deigned to turn down.
And since she didn’t answer, the reporter tried harder. “Shakira, are you okay?“, she asked. It was then that the singer-songwriter smiled, raised her hand and greeted her.
Meanwhile, the Spanish journalist from Barcelona Marco Chiazza aired this Monday us in the morning (El Trece, at 9.30). He did it on a cellphone from the door of Piqué’s bachelor flat in Barcelona, and with the same Police behind him!
According to Chiazza, since before he arrived in that crowded and crowded area of central Barcelona, two patrol cars were parked on the threshold of the tower where the athlete lived for three months, after leaving the family home.
“The police are there for security reasons, not because they have done something illegal. We must keep in mind that this is not a residential or isolated area, this is the richest part but it is the center of Barcelona “, clarified the sports presenter of the Spanish channel. 8TV.
And he added about it: “The police are in case something could happen. It seems to me a coincidence that two police cars have been at the door all morning Piqué’s building and when I take out my cell phone they approach me and tell me to leave, “he said.

Marco Chiazza, the Spanish journalist who saw the police at Piqué’s home.
In addition Chiazza said that Piqué, who would go on vacation to Maldives Islands with his teammate from the Catalan club Riqui Puigat only 22 years old, he betrays the mother of his children.
“Here in Barcelona it has been known for many years that Piqué, and he is not the only footballer, was unfaithful to Shakira. This is not the first time they have had a crisis. This seems to be the final one, but maybe they will fix it, “added the reporter.
And he added: “Me I know Piqué has been out a lot lately to party in famous nightclubs and has been seen with several girls in recent years, one of them, a 22-year-old stewardess friend of Puig’s girlfriend“.
Source: Clarin