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Tag: I thought

Luis “Pulga” Rodríguez spoke for the first time after the serious accident: “I don’t remember much, I didn’t think if I would play again”

Luis "Pulce" Rodriguezforward of Central Córdoba in Santiago del Estero, spoke for the first time about the car accident he suffered on April 30...

Morena Rial, from Colombia: “I thought my father was dying”

Morena Rial intervenes THEY (America, 20:00), live, from Bogotá, Colombia, where his father Jorge Rial remains in intensive care after suffering a serious cardiac...

Lizy Tagliani’s emotion after the wedding: “I never thought that an operation would give me goosebumps”

Lizy Tagliani civilly married Sebastián Nebot to Berazategui and, after the emotional ceremony, the actress and the presenter recounted the details of the wedding....

“I was only thinking about myself”: a woman decided not to be a mother from an early age and does not regret it

A 52-year-old woman has revealed why she never wanted children. Jessica Hawk-Hippolytus she is a childless woman who has always made her feelings clear...

A former All Blacks player has opened up about being gay and was surprised by the reactions: ‘Not even in my wildest imagination did...

He's not the first to do it. He won't even be the last. Former All Blaks player Campbell Johnstone reveals he is gay...

Carmen Barbieri told what was the cocktail of remedies that led her to have seizures: “I thought I was dying”

Carmen Barbieri returned this Thursday at very morning (Ciudad Magazine, Monday to Friday at 10) after being absent for a new one health problem....

Paula Ormaechea’s journey to get out of depression and find meaning in her life: “I thought it was all over”

Looks good Paola Ormechea. Calm. In peace. Happy and having fun in a way that until recently seemed almost impossible. ...

Scaloni’s emotion in listening to the Primary teacher in Pujato: “I thought I cried everything”

After more than 40 days in the Middle East, the Argentina national team returned from Qatar with a new World Cup under his arm,...

‘I thought your son was an asshole’: Tomás Holder’s mother reveals spicy private chat with Nancy Pazos

A few days after a month of Tomás Holder's removal from the house of Big Brother 2022 (Telephe), his mother, Gisella Gordilloshe told how...

He forgot to change his age preference on Tinder and found love: “I thought he had kind eyes”

In life, and especially in love, reality always leaves room for great surprises. And if he doesn't say so Rachel Caudele, a 48-year-old...

Laurita Fernández was honest about the end of her relationship with Nicolás Cabré: “She was the first person I thought about having children with”

A year after finishing his courtship with Nicola Cabre, Laura Fernandez He talked in detail about the relationship he currently has with the actor...

Ronnie Arias recounted the bizarre moment she lived with the ashes of Fernando Peña’s mother: “I thought I was a hero”

<div class="jwContainer" data-site="clarin" data-description="The actor was at PH Podemos Hablar where he recalled when he consumed the ashes of the humorist's mother. ">...