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Tony Awards: The musical ‘Some Like It Hot’ leads with 13 nominations

The musical Some like it hot He ended up leading, with his 13 nominations, the nominations for the prestigious Tony Awards, which were announced...

First definitions of the series taken from It, by Stephen King: the cast begins to assemble

Fans of horror films, and especially of Stephen King taken to the cinema, they showed in 2017 that they really liked them Item, the...

The “anti Dibu Martínez” law has been made official: what it says and when it will come into force

This Friday, the International Board published some regulatory changes that will govern football starting July 1st this year and one of the changes is...

EconAr: Opens the first fair to discuss knowledge, IT development and employment

comes the EconAr fairthe place where a hundred companies will meet, with entrepreneurs, startups and researchers involved in the sector. From 17 to 19...

Hugh Jackman pleads with Oscar voters not to nominate Ryan Reynolds for best song

From his official Twitter account, Hugh Jackman surprised with a new chapter in the comedic rivalry he has with his friend Ryan Reynolds....

Mónica Farro has put her furniture up for sale: what she has published and how much each item costs

<div class="jwContainer" data-site="clarin" data-description="What did he publish and how much does each article cost? ">...

Perón and Evita in the British government? Suspicions and doubts about an article on Boris Johnson

In the midst of the holiday scandal at the official Downing St. residence in the midst of a pandemic, when virtually all of Britain...