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Tag: romina

Alfa recorded a controversial video against Romina after joining ‘Big Brother’

In Big Brother There were moments of tension when Alfa returned to the house. One of the attendees most surprised to see him...

Following Gladys’ elimination, Romina confronted Tora about her mother’s abuse

The recent elimination of Gladys, the mother of The Torahhe left a lot of fabric to be cut inside the house of Big Brother....

Big Brother, LIVE: Romina and Julieta met to talk about the Torah and were lapidary

A new edition of Big Brother can be enjoyed on the Telefe screen, with the conduction of Santiago del Moro. Each of the participants...

Romina of “Big Brother” told how she divorced Walter Festa

After the departure of his nephew from the most famous house, Romina Uhrig surprised the fans Big Brother (Telefe) and told the details of...

Mía, the eldest daughter of Romina from ‘Big Brother’ broke the silence and demanded that her mother be eliminated

Mia, Romina Uhrig's eldest daughterone of the most important protagonists of this edition of Big Brother, spoke for the first time about his mother...

Open letter from Romina’s nephew from “Big Brother”: the weight, the aunt’s reaction to seeing him and the truth about their bond

Fabian Herreranephew of Romino From Big Brotherand the first of the relatives to be removed from the house, he told everything through his social...

Harsh open letter from Mar Tarrés against Romina of “Big Brother” after her fat-phobic statements

Mar Tarresone of influencers who fights most for the inclusion of non-hegemonic bodies, achieved a strong release against Romina Uhrig for his fatphobic comments...

Walter Festa came out to support Romina and criticized the production of Big Brother: “She could be eliminated next”

Walter Feastformer partner of Romina Uhrigshared a strong anti-production post on his Facebook account Big Brother (Telefe, Sunday to Thursday at 10.15pm), ensuring there...

Big Brother: Romina criticized Marcos for a striking attitude

Romina Uhrig targeted without filter against Marco Ginocchio and surprised the followers of Big Brother (Telephone, Sunday to Thursday at 10.15pm)....

Romina’s family clarified why the nephew of the participant was chosen to enter “Big Brother”

Each of the six finalist participants a Big Brother (Telefe, from Sunday to Thursday at 10.15 pm) They have received a relative, who will...

Big Brother: Romina was disappointed because her daughters did not enter and the controversy broke out on the networks

Romina, from Big Brother (Telefe, 10.15 pm) had a big disappointment at yesterday's special gala, Monday, in which iThe relatives of the six players...

Romina from Big Brother told the details of her separation from former mayor Walter Festa

In a chat with Julieta and Daniela at the home of Big Brother (Telephone), Romina Uhrig told the details of her relationship with the...