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Tag: si johnny

Johnny Depp, in full trial against his ex, landed in England with guitarist Jeff Beck

<div class="jwContainer" data-site="clarin" data-description="In the middle of Amber Heard’s trial, the actor traveled to England ">...

Elon Musk spoke at the trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard and threw a stick

After more than six weeks of appearances in court in Fairfax (Virginia, USA), last Friday, May 27, lIt's time for the conclusions of the...

Johnny Depp’s trial against Amber Heard: five “reality show” curiosities

The media litigation for defamation in between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard entering its final stage. After six weeks of bloody and ruthless...

Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard: The Jury has not reached the verdict, when will it reconvene?

After six weeks of testimony at the defamation trial where Johnny Depp Y amber heartd attacked each other with bad details about their brief...

Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard, the end of the trial: the jury overnight

After the lawyers ’arguments, the jury of the Johnny Depp case against Amber Heard went into the deliberation room.Seven men and women had too...

Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard, the end of the trial: the arguments to convince the Jury

Lawyers for Johnny Depp and Amber Heard filed closing arguments with a Virginia jury on Depp's defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife.After six weeks of...

Kate Moss said she was ‘not’ hit or pushed by Johnny Depp

the super model Kate Moss confirmed this Wednesday Johnny Depp "never" "hit, pushed or threw her down the stairs" when she had a romantic...

Jason Momoa prevents Amber Heard from being removed from Aquaman, for the trial of Johnny Depp

This Monday, March 23, as a result of the judicial process maintained by Johnny Depp and Amber Heard for a defamation complaint, one of...

Stars added to trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: Kate Moss called as witness

The ultramedia trial to face Johnny Depp with his former partner Amber Heard will add to the final week of having another star on...

Ellen Barkin, Johnny Depp’s ex, said she was jealous and in control

The media focus continues to point to the trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. This event was, for many, the celebrity trial...

Johnny Depp: an old friend testified about the actor’s jealousy and substance abuse

The trial for the defamation case filed by Johnny Depp against his ex -wife Amber heard returns to Depp’s themes of jealousy and drug...

Camille Vasquez, Johnny Depp’s “hot lawyer”

<div class="jwContainer" data-site="clarin" data-description="Johnny Depp's lawyer. ">...