It is well known that foods with high cholesterol levels must be consumed smaller amountsas they can lead to heart disease or other conditions over time.
However, cholesterol is a fat molecule very important for blood and cells, both in people and animals. to exist two kinds main cholesterol: the HDLknown as “good cholesterol” and the LDLthe “bad cholesterol”.
The first travels directly to liverwhere it is processed and metabolized. The higher the level of this type, the better, as it means that the body eliminates cholesterol properly. LDL, on the other hand, circulates through the blood vessels and if the level is high it starts to do so to mature.
There are some allowance designed to control cholesterol levels that vary between foods with large amounts of this molecule and others that help lower it.
Which foods should be consumed in the least amount to lower cholesterol?
1) Meat and sausages
All types of meat have cholesterolto a greater extent the Red meat, sausages, tongue and liver. Those who have the least are the White meatlike chicken and rabbit.
2) Seafood
The sea snailsthe shrimp and shrimp headsclams, mussels e clams They are the crustaceans with the highest cholesterol level. Instead, the cuttlefish meatthe prawn tail and the squid they have less.
3 eggs
The Bud of the eggs he has high levels of cholesterol, but clear Not much.
4) Dairy products
The milk creamcream, whole milk, yogurt and full-fat cheeses like cheddar and goat have high cholesterol levels. The milk and the low-fat yogurt They have less cholesterol.
What foods to include in the diet to lower cholesterol
The foods that less cholesterol contain and that it is recommended to consume are i fruits and vegetablespeanuts, legumes and cereals.
Source: Clarin