Home World News He was happy because he had found the great love of his life until he discovered something that devastated him.

He was happy because he had found the great love of his life until he discovered something that devastated him.

He was happy because he had found the great love of his life until he discovered something that devastated him.

It had already been 18 months. Time during which she felt “in the clouds”. madly in love and she dreamed of nothing but to spend the rest of her life together. And she reciprocated. Everything was perfect.

Until it stopped being why an almost serendipitous discovery has left the fiancé devastated and definitively condemned the relationship to immediate and traumatic rupture (what kind of separation isn’t that?).

But what did the boyfriend find out that blew everything up. Well, his girlfriend was married. And not with a man, but with five. And she also had another lover. Bomb.

It all started when he, whose name is Wayne Harper and is 43 years old, discovered a relationship from his girlfriend Emily Horne.

However, after chatting they decided to bet on the relationship even if he He asked him as the only condition that he remain faithful.

But sometime later, she cheated on him again and he found out. And that was when it all came to light.

He was devastated. He still admits to suffering from that delusion today. Instead, bake they soon became a couple again. In fact, she married two other men, making her one of Britain’s most prolific bigamists.

That is, now the woman has seven husbands in all. But she didn’t end well, she was sentenced in 2012 to 12 months of community ordinance with a curfew and 28 days of e-tag.

A love born in the hospital

Harper and Horne They met when they were both hospitalized in a hospital. He was in a bicycle accident and she was recovering from a minor operation.

“When we met, my face was swollen from a bicycle accident and she asked me what I had done. We talked and it all started from there‘Wayne told The Sun.

Emily, a former adult film star, told Wayne that he had nowhere to live after he got out of the hospital. So he invited her to move in with his family after being discharged.

Wayne’s father Dennis Harper recalled how Emily shared the family home when he was out with his son. “Emily, who can forget her? He lived here for about six months‘ he told The Sun.

“She seemed pretty smart, but she could be a little weird and depressed at times.” she added and continued, “They’ve been together for a year or more, but my son has called it quits when he found her dating other guys“.

Weddings, prison and a new name

Emily, now 43, has been pleaded guilty to bigamy twiceimprisoned once and received a suspended sentence the second time.

She had married five husbands without legally divorcing any of them.

Horne’s entire marital story was chronicled in a Channel 5 show called The Bigamist Bride: My Five Husbands.

It has now legally changed its name to Maxine-Accates Quiberon.

Source: The sun

Source: Clarin


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