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High blood sugar: five natural drinks to fight diabetes

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Those people with diabetes They should always be alert to foods and drinks you eat because they can significantly affect blood sugar e harmful to health.

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For example, the American Diabetes Society (ADA) recommends low- or zero-calorie drinks to avoid a blood sugar spike.

Selecting the right beverages is essential to avoid indirect problems, control symptoms and maintain a healthy weight.

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Specialists explain that even low-sugar options, such as vegetable juice, should be consumed in moderation. Health line.

Reduced-fat dairy products are a nutritious option. But it happens that they contain natural milk sugar, lactose, so this drink should be considered part of the total carbohydrates allowed for the day.

Next, then, the options of drinks suitable for diabetes.

water always water

Water definitely is the best option to stay hydrated in people with diabetes. The reason is that it won’t raise blood sugar levels, which can only cause dehydration.

Drinking enough water can help the body eliminate excess glucose in the urine.

The Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink about 13 glasses a day and women 9 glasses.

For those who want to add some flavor, you can add slices of lemon, lime or orange. Also aromatic herbs, such as mint or basil.

Tea, another option

Studies have shown that the green tea has a positive effect on overall health. It can also help reduce blood pressure and harmful levels of LDL cholesterol.

Research suggests that drinking up to 6 cups a day may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, although this isn’t conclusive.

Whether it’s green, black or herbal tea, yes, you have to avoid added sugars. For a refreshing taste, you can brew your own aromatic iced tea, like Rooibos, and add a few lemon wedges, they recommend.

Coffee and its benefits

Drinking coffee could help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetesdetermines a study from years ago.

As a reflection, the risk was further reduced for people taking 2 to 3 cups a day. And it also extends to those who have exceeded 4 cups a day.

The rule applies to both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffeeTherefore, based on the characteristics and tastes of each, it is possible to opt for one of the two options.

Adding milk, cream or sugar to your coffee increases your overall calorie count and can affect blood sugar levels. Also avoid the sweetener.

Tomato or vegetable juice

Although almost all 100% fruit juices are 100% sugar, it is possible to try the tomato juice or vegetable juice of your choice.

A mix of leafy greens, celery or cucumbers with red berriesHelping provide tasty vitamins and minerals is a great alternative.

low fat milk

It is known dairy products should be included in the daily diet, as they contain vitamins and minerals, but add carbohydrates.

Always go for versions sugar-free, low-fat, or skimmed.

Ideally, stick to two to three 230-milliliter glasses a day. You can also try dairy-free and low-sugar options, such as coconut milk or fortified nuts.

Soy and rice milk contain carbohydrates, so taking a look at the packaging is highly recommended.

Also, many milk alternatives they lack vitamin D and calcium unless they are fortified.

Bottom line on high glucose and drinks

When choosing a drink, simple is usually best. Water first, unsweetened tea, and all unsweetened beverages are also good options. Natural juices and skimmed milk are added to the allowed list.

If your palate craves something sweet or sugary, add natural sources like aromatic herbs pieces of citrus or red fruits.

Source: Clarin

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