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High cholesterol and triglycerides: when to be alert

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The triglycerides They are the most common form of fat that the body stores and uses for energy. if yours the level is high in the bloodit could mean a high risk of health problems.

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High triglyceride levels are considered a high risk factor for narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which can cause a blowa heart attack and the Peripheral arterial disease (PAA). There is also the risk of pancreatitis and liver disease.

Analysis to know the level of triglycerides

Routine testing is known to be essential to avoid these serious health complications.

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To find out if your triglycerides are high, the cardiologist should evaluate the presence of symptoms and indicate the execution of tests to evaluate the triglyceride levels, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterolto also investigate if other parameters are altered and initiate appropriate treatment.

In general, the normal value of triglycerides in adults is up to 150mg/dl. of this number and up to 199 mg/dl could be considered a High limit. Yes exceeds 200 ms/dl I would already be tall and greater than 500 mg/dl already implies very high.

And besides the fact that triglycerides don’t cause any obvious symptoms, they do there are signs this could indicate that we have problems with this type of grease.

symptoms of high triglycerides

Doctors say there are a few signs to look out for when considering high triglycerides.

  • Accumulation of abdominal fat and in other areas of the body
  • Fibromyalgia (chronic fatigue and body aches)
  • The anxiety of eating sweets
  • insomnia problems
  • Sleep apnea
  • High cholesterol
  • Warts under the armpits and in the neck area
  • Lumps of fat on the eyelids

  • White spots on the retina
  • Headache
  • Hair loss
  • Irritation
  • Water retention

How to lower triglycerides

As we said, along with these signs it is important to have a clinical analysis or a lipid profile performed to know our levels precisely.

and there is three main ways to lower high triglyceride levels:

Healthy diet. Avoid simple carbohydrates (such as sugar and foods made with white flour or fructose), trans fats, and foods with hydrogenated fats or oils. Choose healthier vegetable fats (like olive oil or canola oil) and replace red meat with fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (like mackerel or salmon). Limit or avoid alcohol consumption (high in calories and sugar).

Exercise. They recommend a weekly minimum of 40 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, three to four times a week.

Maintain a healthy weight. Since the extra calories are converted into triglycerides and stored as fat, lowering calories means lowering triglycerides. Hence the importance of maintaining a healthy weight with diet and exercise.

Source: Clarin

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