Home World News What foods to eat to avoid hunger, avoid anxiety and lose weight?

What foods to eat to avoid hunger, avoid anxiety and lose weight?

What foods to eat to avoid hunger, avoid anxiety and lose weight?

lose weight, go on a diet or limiting food to lose weight is not pleasant and generates anxiety. That’s why when you sit down at the table it’s essential to choose carefully and intelligently the foods that contain the most vitamins and nutrients and that give satiety.

An ideal alternative is to consume healthy food that make us feel full (or satiated) for the longest time, with the aim of not going hungry and being able to lose kilos sooner and without suffering along the way.

What are the foods that make us feel full and help us lose weight?

It is known that some foods are more filling than others. And in that research, scientists from the University of Warwick (UK) they have reveal the brain mechanism that causes the feeling of satietyas revealed by the site The target.

What foods to eat to avoid hunger and lose weight.

What foods to eat to avoid hunger and lose weight.

In the research, published in straight science, the experts specify nerve tissue sensors called tanycyteswhich are located in the third and fourth ventricles of the brain and whose activity extends to the hypothalamus.

These tanycytes respond to only two types of amino acids: arginine and lysineand there are some foods that contain them.

This means that choosing to consume foods with arginine and lysine would imply a greater sense of satiety for a longer time and, therefore, lose weight easier.

Of course, as always it is worth clarifying, before starting any dietary changes, it is necessary consult a doctor or nutritionist first.

Below is the list of foods which are rich in arginine and lysine:

Avocado or avocado

Avocado or avocado is a very satiating food.  Photo: Shutterstock

Avocado or avocado is a very satiating food. Photo: Shutterstock

THE high amount of fat and fiber from avocados or avocados makes it a very filling food, so it can make you eat less throughout the day. For many, among the most recommended.


Lentil stew, a classic.

Lentil stew, a classic.

Studies like the one reflected on the site Body and mind show that the legumes provide a greater expenditure of body energy to digest them, compared to those that are low in protein. So, a investigation has shown that a diet rich in legumes will speed up the metabolism and make you lose much more weight in just eight weeks.


Chicken is a protein-rich food.

Chicken is a protein-rich food.

The food high in protein, such as chickenthey also help speed up your metabolism by up to 30% for a few hours after ingesting them.


The mackerel is on display in markets around the world.  Photo: REUTERS

The mackerel is on display in markets around the world. Photo: REUTERS

There is research, as evidenced by United States National Library of Medicine.., which proved it the consumption of fish increases the thermic effect of the bodythat is, the amount of calories needed to digest and process them.

apricot or apricot

Apricots, with very few calories.

Apricots, with very few calories.

It is a fruit with very few calories (about 20 per unit) and a high satiating effect, so that Apricots or apricots are ideal for losing weight.


Almonds, healthy nuts.

Almonds, healthy nuts.

A a handful of almonds will provide an average of 160 calories. Including this food in a diet and following it regularly promotes weight loss.


Pork tenderloin with parsley sauce and capers.s.

Pork tenderloin with parsley sauce and capers.s.

He sirloin the one with the least fat is beef, even if nutritionists recommend it moderate consumption of red meat.

pork loin

Pork loin with less saturated fat.

Pork loin with less saturated fat.

At lunch, pork has lean parts such as the loinwhich are much healthier because they have less saturated fat.


Prunes have a good impact on food.  Shutterstock photos.

Prunes have a good impact on food. Shutterstock photos.

Some experts recommend losing weight by taking one a two prunes half an hour before each meal for one month.

Amino acids, digestion and blood sugar

The foods listed in the study help to lose weight not only because of their amino acid content, but for its many other properties. And it is worth remembering that it is convenient to accompany a good diet with physical activity.

According to the health site, these amino acids “slow down digestion”and I am also able to “relatively maintain blood glucose levelswhich reduces the occurrence of cravings.”

The results only clarify this the brain is a key player in energy regulationand the satiating effect of amino acids.

Lack of appetite, digestion and other variables.

Lack of appetite, digestion and other variables.

With this discovery, the experts foresee a promising future for the ‘production of new drugs that stimulate these cells’.

Source: Clarin


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