To lose weight: what foods to ban from breakfast

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The new weight loss trends move away from restrictive diets and point to the long-term change of habits. Among these adjustments, explains the Spanish therapist in functional nutrition and with training in naturopathy, Enrique González, puts the emphasis on breakfast.

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“We had a bad breakfast. The great protagonists of our first meal of the day are sugars when this role should be reserved for proteins, the great ones absent in this contribution”, González explained to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo.

“With which, between the day with a caloric excess and glycemia peaks, we will spend the day hungry and “munching”. This generates an imbalance of hormones which will eventually lead to weight gain.“, continues the specialist.

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Carbohydrates should be banned from breakfast according to a Spanish nutritionist Photo Shutterstock.

Carbohydrates should be banned from breakfast according to a Spanish nutritionist Photo Shutterstock.

A breakfast that leads to weight loss

The first piece of advice he offers in the note to El Mundo is “eliminate the coffee, because it is very exciting”. also replace breakfast carbohydrates, provided by bread or biscuits, for proteins, such as eggs or slices of lean ham.

According to his theory, in this way “insulin peaks won’t be so abrupt and, therefore, you will arrive at lunch less hungry”.

How does the body use carbohydrates and proteins? The specialist shared the following metaphor in the El Mundo note: “Let’s imagine we want to light a fireplace. We can do it with sticks and leaves. This way we will get a very fast and explosive fire, but it will burn out very quickly and we will all have to be adding more sticks. That’s how carbohydrates work in our bodies.”

“Instead, a strain (referred to proteins), will take a little longer to burn, but its energy will be more constant, lasting and sustainable“.

Morning coffee is too exciting and is counterproductive in a weight loss plan. Photo Shutterstock.

Morning coffee is too exciting and is counterproductive in a weight loss plan. Photo Shutterstock.

To round out the idea, he adds, “A diet based on rapidly assimilated carbohydrates will cause insulin to become impaired and excess energy to be stored in the form of fat.”

The role of stress in weight loss

It also points out that the fatigue increases cortisol levels. “This prevents the proper functioning of ghrelin and leptin, hormones that they are produced in the digestive system and are involved in the dissolution of fats“.

Source: Clarin

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