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How many times a day can you drink linden tea

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The healing properties of Linden tea (or tila) have spread so much that it is one of the infusions that brands have among their best sellers.

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In which cases is lime tea recommended? Good to know, therefore, as the blog explains Green ecology“it is appropriate to promote responsible consumption and avoid negative effects.”

More than 30 species of the Tilia genus are known as “lime trees” and offer flowers and leaves medicinal properties.

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The most used is the American basswood (or Mexican) which stands out for its essential oils (geraniol, eugenol and farfalle), mucilages, flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, glycosides and caffeic and chlorogenic acids.

For the benefits of all these natural compounds, traditional Chinese medicine and Mexican shamans have been attributed the power to cure gastric, liver and kidney disorders.

What is lime tea used for?

The practitioners of natural medicine Currently they agree that this plant has sedative principles, is a muscle relaxant, helps to lower blood pressure, is a vasodilator, anticoagulant, digestive, diuretic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, detoxifier (sweating), antirheumatic and healing.

But Western scientific medicine has only demonstrated its virtues as a relaxant, tranquilizer and sedative, although other research continues. potential properties.

Linden is a highly prized herb in natural medicine.  How much should you drink per day?  Photo: Artoxana/Pixabay.Linden is a highly prized herb in natural medicine. How much should you drink per day? Photo: Artoxana/Pixabay.

Regarding its scientifically proven uses you can consult this article on the official Health website University of Michigan.

A cup of lime herbal tea helps reduce anxiety, fight stress, relax muscles, calm spasms and cramps and help you sleep.

Furthermore, since it is a muscle relaxantproduces an effect on the arteries which allows the blood to circulate with a lower pressure and avoid possible thrombosis, arteriosclerosis and other coronary problems.

In ancient times the power to cure digestive disorders was attributed to the lime tree.  Photo: Canvas.In ancient times the power to cure digestive disorders was attributed to the lime tree. Photo: Canvas.

Furthermore, it is said to improve the conditions of fur and relieves indigestion e gastritisflu, cough and cold.

Its effect diuretic It acts on the retention of harmful fluids, eliminates toxins through urine and sweat and helps to lose weight.

How many times a day to drink lime tea

THE World Health Organization recommends a daily dose of between 2 and 4 grams of dried flowerswith a maximum of two or three infusions per day.

Regarding the time, it is recommended to consume a cup of lime herbal tea after work or before going to sleepsince, being sedative, it can cause drowsiness with unwanted consequences (avoid driving vehicles or using dangerous machinery).

It is sold in tea bags or you can buy its flowers in herbalist shops.  Photo: Jeno Szabó/Pixabay.It is sold in tea bags or you can buy its flowers in herbalist shops. Photo: Jeno Szabó/Pixabay.

Due to its diuretic and purifying properties it is also beneficial to drink it. after dinner to contribute to good digestion and reduce the feeling of heaviness.

How is linden herbal tea prepared?

Linden tea is available in bags (generally contain 1.5 g to check the dose), but infusion enthusiasts always prefer to shop around. herbalist or home of dietary products and buy the most natural product. In those places you can get the dried flowers or inflorescences ready to use.

To prepare the infusion, it is advisable crush the flowers so that they release their essential oils faster. Place a teaspoon of crushed flowers in a cup or bowl and pour a cup of boiling water over it. Cover the container and let it rest for 5-10 minutes. Then it is filtered and ready to consume. It can be sweetened to taste, but the ideal is not to use sugar.

They must avoid this infusion people taking medications to control blood pressure because they can cause hypotension. Even those taking anticoagulants or cardiological drugs. It is recommended in the case of pregnant women and patients with pre-existing chronic pathologies consult your doctor heading.

Source: Clarin

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