Home World News Solar storm alert: warns about a major explosion to hit the Earth

Solar storm alert: warns about a major explosion to hit the Earth

Solar storm alert: warns about a major explosion to hit the Earth

Solar storm alert: warns about a major explosion to hit the Earth

Solar storm alert: warns about a major explosion to hit the Earth.

Currently, our planet Earth is in the middle of a strong solar storm.

This is the warning of one alert issued by the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which also revealed that we were being attacked by a large geomagnetic storm caused by a flare coming from the surface of the Sun..

How is this solar storm

According to the aforementioned federal weather monitoring entity, this storm was classified as F3meaning, strong.

It was a G3 solar storm, meaning strong.  Descriptive picture

It was a G3 solar storm, meaning strong. Descriptive picture

Geomagnetic storms are classified into a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being the weakest and 5 having the most potential damage. Level 3 or G3 storms are rated as strong.

Meteorologists explained that the strength of the geomagnetic storm can interfere with electrical systems and cause problems for satellites and astronauts in space, highlighted TheDailyMirror.

As if it wasn’t enough, it might be remove navigation systems and the radio communications. The agency further detailed that solar storms of that magnitude could affect migratory animals and cause aurora, such as famous northern light.

What is a geomagnetic storm?

A geomagnetic storms -also called solar storm- occurs when the The Earth’s magnetic field is interrupted by a shock wave from the solar windwhich is an explosion from the surface of the Sun.

Geomagnetic storms are classified into a size from 1 to 5, where 1 is the weakest and 5 has the most potential damage. Level 2 or G2 storms are moderate and do not pose a risk to humans.

On top of that, a G5 storm (the strongest) could cause collapse of global infrastructureas global power networks fall, as well as the satellites and the navigation they allow us to use on Earth, the British medium is highlighted.

Solar storms affect terrestrial communications.

Solar storms affect terrestrial communications.

Ang current solar winds blowing at 516.6 kilometers per secondwith a density of 7.5 protons per cubic centimeter, as indicated SpaceWeather.com. late March, 17 solar flare which emerged from one point on the Sun gave another solar storm warning.

For their part, NASA observatories have seen the flares before announcing that at least two of them are towards a direct collision with the ground.

The flow of hot material, known as Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), exits from a very active sunspot late March. As various scientific observations indicate, solar activity naturally increases and decreases every 11 years.

What are the consequences of a solar storm

From NASA they explained that the ionosphere — the Earth’s atmospheric layer that stretches between 80 and 500 kilometers- is damaged during geomagnetic storms and this activity. affecting terrestrial communications.

The most affected are high frequency radio waves and GPS systems. Such as radio communications commercial flights or cruises they can have problems during absorption events at the poles caused by solar protons.

Source: Clarin


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