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Tag: fish

They find on a beach in Chile a “fish from the end of the world”, the creature that revives the Nostradamus theory

Chila Island fishermen shared through social networks the catch of a oarfish or saber, which according to Japanese culture is a harbinger of two...

Miguel Pesce predicted a sharp drop in inflation in 2023 and denied a sharp devaluation

The president of Central bank, Miguel Pescedefended on Tuesday, in Deputies, the inflationary projection estimated for 2023 in the order...

Big fish, the series that comes from the north of Argentina to tell another story

In the first scene of Fatty fish, the Chaco series broadcast by UN3, Abel and César prepare a fishing trip. They set out...

The day Joe Pesci bit Macaulay Culkin while filming MY Poor Little Angel

In 1990, at the age of just ten, Macaulay Culkin became famous as the brave and self-sufficient Kevin McCallister in My poor angel. ...

In the end Sergio Massa was unable to oust Miguel Pesce from the Central Bank

Almost at the end of his term, Miguel Ángel Pesce was officially ratified as head of the Central Bank. The continuity of Pesce...

Pesce came out to justify the high rates: “The Leliq now support household savings”

The president of the Central Bank, Miguel Angel Pesce, has issued a document to defend the rate hike recently applied by the institution. ...

Waterless rivers, dead fish and withered crops: the ravages of drought in Europe

Before, a river flowed there. Now, white dust and thousands of dead fish cover the wide river bed that winds through the...

Reserves in red: Miguel Pesce said the Chinese swap is already in use

<div class="jwContainer" data-site="clarin" data-description="The president of the central bank has ruled out versions indicating that they are using dollar deposits to meet demand for...

Changes in the BCRA: Pesce resists in the middle of a castling

The mass arrival Lisandro Cleri at the Central Bank generated a series of castles within the list of the body that has yet to...

Batakis looks for a signal from the IMF and Pesce refuses a division of the exchange

An incredulous smile from Silvina Batakis was enough to convey what her next steps will be to contain the endless currency crisis. In...

While Miguel Pesce asks to ‘wait’, there are voices in the government that speak of a deployment

In the economic leadership of the government there is a debate on what to do with the dollar. How it is managed and...

Miguel Pesce in dollars parallel to $ 300: “Add noise to expectations”

Central bank president Miguel Pesce admitted that "parallel dollars add noise to expectations" after the cash tally surpassed $ 300 ($ 301) on Friday....