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Tag: operations

Imports: 12% of approved transactions are in yuan

Foreign trade transactions that Argentine companies pay in yuan occupy an important place in the Import System of the Argentine Republic (SIRA), the official...

An Argentinian executive will direct the operations of a Brazilian giant

An Argentinian executive, Teófilo Lacroze, assumes a very important position in the Raizen group in Brazil after more than eight years to carry out...

Soybean dollar 3 first operations: entered 10 million dollars

Although some adjustments are missing, the "3 soy dollar" mechanism slowly start walking. This Wednesday they entered the market the first 10 million...

Bond purchases: Ten brokerage firms were held accountable for bond transactions made prior to Massa’s announcement

The investigation into the government's bond purchases will bear fruit a first result this Thursday. That day, the National Securities Commission (CNV) plans...

Like customs and AFIP, the Central Bank also adjusts the barrier to operations with the official dollar

Since taking office, the new authorities of the AFIP Raids, complaints and evasion cases involving over-billed imports, undervalued exports and all kinds of "real"...

After ten hip operations, Mauricio Wainrot returns to the ring with a staging of “Carmina Burana”

About three years ago, choreographer and former San Martín Ballet director Mauricio Wainrot started with a hip problem that would have led to ten...

In the first two days of the soybean dollar, 2.13 million tonnes of operations were recorded

Transactions recorded at SIO-Granos on Tuesday amounted to 1.34 million tonnes of soybeans, including both new sales contracts and transaction settlements agreed before Tuesday,...

The FBI found confidential documents in Donald Trump’s home: nuclear weapons of a US power and covert operations.

The FBI discovered during its house search that former President Donald Trump has a document in Florida describing the military defenses of a foreign...

Record operations on the first day of the soybean dollar: sales of one million tons were recorded

At the debut of the dollar-soybean, there have been registration operations. According to exporters and the government, operations involving one million tons of...

Today there will be no banks and there will be no foreign exchange operations: how to get cash

The Central Bank reported that, following the national holiday established by President Alberto Fernández, This Friday there will be no banking or foreign exchange...

The balance of the dollar-soybean: there were 369 transactions for 3,360 million dollars

The soybean dollar implemented by the Central Bank to encourage producers to sell soybeans was not as successful as the government planned to liquidate...

Financial dollar of more than 300 dollars: the government has asked stock exchange operators to reduce operations

The escalation of parallel dollars, in quotation marks above $ 300It became a matter of state. It became evident on Monday when the...