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The extravagant food that helps fight diabetes, lowers cholesterol and is rich in vitamins

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To maintain good health, we need to broaden our eating habits and tastes. Fruits, vegetables, meat and legumes are important for a balanced diet. But also There are some foods that can help us prevent disease and maintain good health.

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There is a superfood that attributes antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties: noniA tropical fruit that comes from Polynesia. Pale green in color and with white flesh with small dark bones, this food is said to lower cholesterol and fight diabetes.

Although the investigations carried out do not guarantee its health benefits, noni does proxeronine. A component that, once in the body, is converted into xeronine, an alkaloid that regulates metabolism and has many health benefits.

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What positive functions does this fruit have?

The benefits of the tropical fruit, noni.  Photo: Pexel.

The benefits of the tropical fruit, noni. Photo: Pexel.
  • The extract of this fruit contains anthraquinones, L-asperuloside and alizarin; that has antimicrobial characteristics able to fight Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli bacteria and tuberculosis bacillus.
  • Thanks to its antimicrobial and antiparasitic properties, supports the digestive system adjuvant in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers or intestinal parasites.
  • American Association for Cancer Research presented a study in which a noni extract had a anticancer effect in the study mice, prolonging their life in 75% of cases.
  • The substances in the juice are capable of inhibit COX-1 enzymes; with calming benefits, sedative and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • According to a work by University of Chicagothe noni stimulates T lymphocytes (white blood cells) increasing the defenses if consumed daily.
  • In 2008 the University of the West Indies studied the effect of noni on blood sugar in a group of mice with diabetes. These mice, given insulin juice, got it lower blood sugars compared to those who received insulin alone.
  • A 2012 study confirmed that noni juice helps lower cholesterol. The study was conducted on a group of smokers, who were given this juice for 30 days and their lipid profile improved.

This tropical fruit, with multiple benefits, is not very tasty. That’s why it is normal that it is taken as a blended juice with other fruits or that a sweetener is added to give it more flavor.

It is recommended that pregnant OR people with kidney, liver or heart disease don’t consume it due to its high potassium content. Before including it frequently in our diet, it is recommended consult a nutritionist in advance or specialist doctor.

Source: Clarin

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